On Thursday 31st October, we bid a sad farewell and happy retirement, to well loved and well respected Eric Simmers.
To celebrate his 30 years with the business, the company invited Eric and many of his colleagues to a small dinner party at
Meldrum House Country Hotel & Golf Course, where everyone enjoyed a fabulous meal and related stories and memories, some funny and some poignant.
We wish Eric a very happy and healthy retirement, knowing he will have plenty to keep him busy with his list of jobs from his wife, Lorna and beautiful grandchildren to spend precious time with.
Another valued member of staff, Ron Aitken, retired at the age of 81! Ron joined the company at the age of 58 and we were honoured to hear him say, during his farewell speech, that he wished he joined the company many years before as he felt part of a big happy family during his time with Taylors Industrial.
We cant thank both these guys for their hard work and dedication to the business and please don't be strangers.